About forum
VIII Siberian Historical Forum will be held in Krasnoyarsk from September 21 to 23. The main venue of the Forum is Congress Hall of the Siberian Federal University. The main topics of the Forum are the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Yenisey province and the 120th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.
Traditionally, the content of the forum is much wider than the main topic. The forum is dedicated to the history of material and spiritual culture as well as the history of Siberia in the context of world and Russian history. Within the framework of the forum, it is planned to hold discussions on general issues of the state of historical knowledge in Russia and discuss the urgent tasks of coordinating research, educational, publishing activities with the participation of representatives of various structures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow universities and regional scientific communities.
It is important to mention the cooperation with the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society within the preparation of the VIII Siberian Historical Forum 2021. Besides the work of the scientific section “The role of the Russian Geographical Society in the study of Central and North Asia”, the Council of Regions of the Russian Geographical Society and its Presidium will have an offsite meeting within the framework of the Forum. Chairmen of the key regional branches and representatives of the Executive Directorate of RGS will come to Krasnoyarsk to discuss issues of interregional interaction and hold joint projects, grant activities, ensure regional development and coordinate the activities of regional and local branches of the Russian Geographical Society, as well as to conclude the results of the work.
The Siberian Historical Forum is an important platform for professional communication of scientists, which contributes to the strengthening of ties in the scientific and humanitarian community, the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia and the traditions and values of Russian regions.
Forum organizers

Krasnoyarsk, pr. Svobodny, 82, p. 9 and p. 6
Congress Hall and the Institute of Oil and Gas of the Siberian Federal University